I’m in the season of life where my primary roles of mom, wife and creative are all simultaneously changing and demanding time; this new body of work represents the challenging transitions between these identities. Despite it’s imperfect nature, the work as a whole has an alluring draw. The composition, while flawed, pulls you in. The colors, while not always harmonious, intrigue.

Focusing on these color relationships and composition, I use linear repetition to create graphically satisfying works. Planes of stripes zipper together to create a vibrant collision while the juxtaposition of tone on tone and slivers of white space allow the eye much needed rest.

I’m particularly enthralled by the imperfect edges of the stripes. With such a predictable and steadfast pattern you expect precise lines, but the variation of width and frequency lends to the theme of this perfectly imperfect season that I’m in.

Below is a selection of work from HOLDING SPACE series.